

22 JANUARY 2022


The UN’s Office for Disarmament Affairs has created an Exhibition-Three Quarters of a Century After Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Hibakusha – Brave Survivors Working for a Nuclear-Free World at UN Headquarters in New York.

“It vividly brings to life the devastation and havoc wreaked by those first atomic bombs (A-bombs) and their successor weapons, the more powerful hydrogen bombs (H-bombs) which began testing in the 1950’s,” reports UN News on 15 January, 2022.

“Despite the annihilation of two major Japanese cities in 1945, atomic bombs have not been relegated to the pages of history books, but continue to be developed today – with increasingly more power to destroy than they had when unleashed on Hiroshima and Nagasaki back in 1945,” United Nations  condemns the indiscriminate killings of tens of thousands of innocent people and those who have left indelible scars for the survivors and generations.

The tireless work of the survivors, known in Japanese as the ‘Hibakusha’, conducted investigations and continued to share their stories and findings to save humanity with a pledge – “No More Hibakusha – Message to the World”, which resonates in the exhibition.

“When I went outside, it was dark as night. Then it got brighter and brighter, I could see burnt people crying and running about in utter confusion. It was hell… I found my neighbour trapped under a fallen concrete wall… Only half of his face was showing. He was burned alive,” a survivor recalled in the Exhibition, reports the UN News.

Hibakusha became more vocal now and hopes that it could help create a road map towards abolition of nuclear weapons.

“The Hibakusha are a living reminder that nuclear weapons pose an existential threat and that the only guarantee against their use is their total elimination. This goal continues to be the highest disarmament priority of the United Nations, as it has been since the first resolution adopted by the General Assembly in 1946,” said the UN Chief, Antonio Guterres.

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